Dearest Future Husband,
Well, it is nearly 2am and you've come to mind. I feel like my lack of writing you shows I have stopped wondering. Although that's partially true, I find myself now missing these letters. It helps me to write you, even if I don't know who you are. I just know you're going to eventually be one very important person in my life. I'll keep hoping you come as I'm doing awful staying content without you. It's definitely a constant struggle.
I cannot believe it has been nearly 8 years since I committed myself to you and started writing you. I can't help but imagine you as the type of person who would look at these letters with great appreciation and I will remain hopeful that they'll fill you with love. I hope they mean the world to you because writing you means a lot to me.
I think when we do marry we should consider our lives one big adventure. I think we should make adventures out of everything! I imagine grocery shopping as an adventure, as if it's vacation to us. And I'd want to take long walks and night walks with you. I would see you as a hero in my life and treat you that way. We would take trips as much as we can and photograph ourselves all over the world. I imagine you'll become my favorite subject to photograph, after all. It would be difficult for me to choose to marry someone who dislikes the camera. Because even if that's the case, you'll have to learn to love it. It's my passion, after all.
To continue, we would take adventures into the night and find the best place to see the stars and we would lay there for hours talking about everything that makes us happy and everything that makes us sad. I would always smile at you, even when the world around me falls apart. And if we ever got upset with each other, I would forgive you and we would grow closer. I desire to learn with you, not to mention learning about God even more. You'll be my favorite study buddy and we'll share both of our wisdom we developed over the years apart.
I'm probably going to pick on you just to see you smile or laugh. I imagine your laugh will become my favorite song. I'll look to you when you're around because I'll want to see your eyes shine and I'll want to see you simply smile and nod at me when we agree. Your hugs will become a moment of shelter for me and you'll comfort me as I hope that my response becomes a comfort for you--oh, how I love hugs. I'll buy you gifts of the things that remind me of you and I'll wear your favorite color. I'll cook your favorite food whenever you want and we'll dance until 2am in the kitchen to our favorite song.
I'll find out all of your faults and I'll love you nonetheless. I'll pay attention to you, even if you push me away. I'll run back to you when I have the urge to run away and you'll teach me how to be strong. I'll support you in all that you choose to do and I'll follow you when you take lead. I'll praise you in your accomplishments and mourn when you mourn. I'll love all of you, the good and the bad.
I know this because I'm determined to keep a promise.
I love you already and I look forward to the day you propose.
Your Future Wife,
Stephanie Ann
This is really awesome. I like your determination in writing this. I hope you show this to him when you marry him someday, whoever he shall be. This will be wonderful for him to read someday.