Monday, September 30, 2013

A Year of Unexpected Events.

This year has been the most surprising year of my life. Today I sit here in my old room and I can tell that nothing is the same at all as it was a year ago. I've gained and lost a few things over the months, but I hardly expected any of it. On January 1st I was someone entirely different. I had no intentions to go to a University, and yet I applied one week later as if God changed my mind. On January 1st, I had a broken and wounded heart. One month later, it's healed and I'm on my way to making my dreams come true.

I started making things happen for myself by allowing God to take over completely. I started making first steps and leaps of faith. I don't regret it at all. I watched myself grow along the way in daily videos and I'm still growing. I felt my best, fully content, and stronger than ever. I made new friends and began forming new bonds with a new life in Azusa.

And then my life was put on hold as I grieved the passing of my father. Many moments as I realize once again I won't be able to see him or hear him anymore, I will cry it out. This was the most unexpected thing to happen out of all. But it seems God timed it just that way so that my dad could stay around long enough to see my finally succeed and move on. I had his moral support, his faith, his love, and his belief in me as I reached my goals. I now merely pray that I will still have that in another one, somehow, now that my dad is gone.

If the unexpected can happen at any moment, maybe we should always be ready to endure. Maybe we should always be at a point in our lives that we are succeeding. Maybe we should always follow our dreams instead of waiting for convenience. Maybe we should always make someone proud of us. Maybe we should always fight for what's right. Maybe we should always make time for people. I got to make my dad prouder than he has ever been by the choices I made this year. I wish I could have kept him longer, but I guess he did his job and needed to go Home. Either way, I made him happy and proud. I made the right choices this year and I pray I can continue to do so. ♥

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