Friday, November 8, 2013

Beautifully Broken.

While sitting on top of a mountain staring out at the night sky and flickering city lights, I was sat next to a person who at one point inspired me. He was broken this time, as if contentment vanished for a moment. And although he was so strong for me months beforehand, it was in that moment I realized that God was giving me an opportunity to shine back. I had all the care in the world to be there by him. I listened to him express all of his emotions and frustrations. I listened to him spill out his heart. He was the same person who helped me change my life, and there I was sat in a position to possibly help him.

I handed him the journal knowing it was God who led me to buying it for him. In the card along with it I wrote about how important his thoughts and feelings are, and how he has a significant voice in this world. I concluded to say he can consider the journal a gift from God. I really couldn't take the credit. I didn't know this young man well enough the way God did. But his reaction to it was priceless. It was enough. He showed every intention to use it and thanked me.

The feeling of giving off hope to someone builds me up so very much. God made me this way, with desires to be of encouragement. The entire trip up that mountain with him became a metaphor of someone who was beautifully broken, climbing to the top to receive a reward for persevering. Along the way we helped each other as to not give up and head back down. No matter how tiring it was, we became determined to make it to the top. Toward the very end, right before we reached the cross, he offered his hand. And even though I lacked to take it, he helped me anyway. I felt like it represented the person he had become to me. Someone who once upon a time helped me make it to the cross. To find Jesus.

Maybe this time I was helping him in return. Maybe this time I was able to shine my own light onto his brokenness. There was something about the entire journey up that mountain that opened my eyes. It had a purpose. It was as if God had allowed me to be in his life at the right time so that I could learn something new. So I could be there to witness a change in this person's life. And it made me feel excited for him, even if he was broken.

I'm excited to see how God is going to turn it all around. Because when we made it to the top of that mountain, we sat there, looking down at all the lights while the cross stood tall in front of us. We sat there to rest and enjoy the beauty God gifted to us. The best part was how capable he was of still smiling and laughing. I could see he still had hope. And that was all that mattered.

I pray that God mends his beautifully broken self.

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