Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Letter.

A letter to my future husband.

Dear You,

I'm learning a lot about love, patience, and contentment. I've learned enough to safely say that I am not looking for you. I don't mean that in a hopeless way, but rather a hopeful way. I trust that God will guide me in the direction of His choosing and that you'll be on that path too. I'm closing my eyes this time so I can sincerely walk by faith. If I spent my life looking for you, I'd miss out on what God has for me while we're apart.

I'm on my way to finding my place. I want to metaphorically run through a massive field of yellow flowers. I want to be surrounded by great things and great opportunities. There is so much more in life than we can imagine. The only way we'll find it all is by riding the waves. Take each day like an adventure and be the journey. I know it'll get scary along the way and it'll shake me up. But we have a God bigger than our own dreams and He will never leave us.

You see, I know that someday I will love you in front of me and stand by your side for an adventure together. But until that day comes, there is so much I can do. Right now I pray that you too will be on an adventure and that you won't look for me. I pray that you're living to be the best that you can be and that you're relying on God. I can only hope this is the life you're living though.

Our journey will begin soon. But it can't happen unless we both go on the adventure it takes to make it to each other. God's got this. He has a plan and He's writing our stories, perfectly and flawless. I know you and I will make mistakes, but forgiveness is still alive. I'm sorry it took me a while to reach this point, but I have nonetheless. My first love will always be the most important person to me. My first love is Jesus Christ.

Stephanie Ann

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