Monday, December 23, 2013

2013 in a Nutshell.

God started my year off with something like this, "Go out and find out what I have for you. Have courage. Have faith. Just go." I ended up on a bus to Southern California thinking to myself, "I have no idea what God could do, but I'm excited for it. Anything could happen." I ended up instead meeting a new friend who pointed me straight to God and spoke life into me. I didn't really know the effects of meeting him until later though. It took weeks and eventually months to discover what God was really saying to me. Eventually God began to end the year with the process of eliminating my fears. His last message of the year so far has come to me like this, "I'm bringing you joy, no need to fear."

God has given me every reason why not to fear anymore. He's helping me place the past fully behind me and is teaching me to trust Him all over again. He's teaching me the importance of loving beyond fears, and helping me remember why it's worth it. Not to mention He has placed in my life some amazing people who are helping me grow daily. He's giving me people I need, listening ears, and people I can learn from. He never leaves me alone and never stops loving me.

This year went sort of something like this: Go out, be bold, discover wounds, be broken, get fixed, become healed, accomplish a dream, do the impossible, experience acceptance (into APU), move out, stop running from things, lose a loved one, discover what matters and who matters most, get back up, keep going, find hope, face fears, love again, and DO NOT FEAR.

2013 in a nutshell. I couldn't have asked for a more adventurous year. 2014 is nearing and I'm happy for it. It seems like it'll be a year full of new hope. At least, that's my guess. :)

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