Saturday, December 7, 2013

Highest of Highs and Lowest of Lows Year.

It's quite outstanding to take in the fact that I will be taking a bus trip to my hometown in January, making it the opposite of taking a bus trip down here almost a year ago. I could have never guessed this would be the case at the time, but that's what makes me see how capable God is of changing lives. I had a feeling that the year of 2013 would be a year of unexpected surprises. And that's exactly what it became.

This year I reached the highest peak and the lowest valley. I stood on top of a mountain in utter joy and hit rock bottom with tremendous sorrow. All within a year, I went all over the spectrum of feelings. What God has done for me this year is beyond words. I cannot explain in enough detail how it has transformed me.

Last Christmas I decided that all I wanted was a smile on my face. I started gaining hope that great things would happen and that change would come in my life. It certainly did come, but in ways I definitely didn't imagine. I grew Christmas cheer at last minute and then packed my bags to go on a journey the second day of the New Year. It really did feel like God intended I get that bus ticket just to say, "Here. Go find what I have for you."

It literally changed my life. To look back now helps me see how much it was from God. I remember the feeling I received when I questioned the trip. I just knew I had to go. I remember the person I met that inspired me and little did I know how significant he'd really be. God was handing me the tools and people I needed because He had this grand adventure awaiting me all because I stepped forth in wonder. All because I took those leaps of faith. And He rewarded me because of it.

So here I sit, in my apartment, about to finish my first semester at Azusa Pacific University, and I can only smile at the me one year ago. Little did she know. She was merely searching for something new. She was trying to find her place in this world. To belong somewhere. To know someone. To speak out. To tell a story. And she made it there.

Yet this year I feel something different. I feel like God is now saying, "You've made it to where I want you. Now wait as I bring something new." He has healed me from past wounds, mended my broken heart, and is helping me overcome fears. He is showing me the beauty of Him and His glorious power. I can only think, "What does 'something new' even mean?" But I await with excitement because I do not doubt how capable He is of lovely surprises. He knows what we need. And that's really all that matters.

He's bringing me something new.

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